Welcome to Your ICANotes Free Trial!
Here’s What to Do Next
You're all set! We've received your free trial request and set up your account. Now, let’s get you started quickly.
1. Verify Your Email
Check your inbox for an email from us and click the "Verify Email Now" button. Once verified, you'll be prompted to create your password. (Didn’t get the email? Check your spam or promotions folder.)
2. Log In & Set Up Your Account
After creating your password, log in to your account. You’ll be guided through a quick setup process where you’ll enter basic details about your practice and set up two-step verification for added security. This only takes a few minutes and ensures your account is fully ready.
3. Book Your Onboarding Call
Our experts are here to help you make the most of your trial. Schedule a free onboarding call where we’ll walk you through the software and answer any questions.
Need Help? We’ve Got You!
Our team is ready to assist you if you need any help setting up. Contact us anytime at ticket@icanotes.com or 443-203-5857.
Book Onboarding Call