Mental Health Charting

Improve Compliance
Reduce Documentation Time

ICANotes is the most clinically robust EHR for behavioral health charting, with pre-configured intuitive note templates for all disciplines and settings. Create comprehensive:

  • Initial Assessments
  • Progress Notes
  • Group Therapy Notes
  • Treatment Plans
  • Discharge Summaries

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Improved Note Content

Content specific to mental health is arranged in clinically logical ways. A thorough and individualized narrative note can be created quickly just by clicking buttons with no typing required. Progress notes can be created in just 2 to 3 minutes.

Click through each subject to find out how ICANotes' behavioral health software can work for your specific areas of expertise:

Why Notes are Important

No matter how good your memory is, you will not remember everything about every one of your clients. That's why writing effective notes is so important for you, your patients and your practice.

Notes that support behavioral health charting are a vital part of a clinician's capacity to help their patients. Having thorough documentation on hand allows you to communicate effectively internally, externally, and with your patients regarding their symptoms and treatments. When your notes are comprehensive and concise, it ensures your patient will receive the best care possible because their symptoms and progress are clear and accessible.

Within your practice, this allows multiple clinicians on the treatment team to access and understand notes for a patient. It can also help external medical professionals who may be treating your patients for other conditions simultaneously. This clear communication allows your patient's healthcare team to be on the same page at every appointment.

Optimal Efficiency and Quality

ICANotes mental health software can cut the time you spend writing notes without sacrificing any of the quality.

Our system is primarily menu-driven, meaning we offer content buttons that you can click to quickly document diagnoses, symptoms, observations, treatment options, and other data in your notes. You can also create your own custom buttons to fit each client's unique needs if you find that you are adding the same information repeatedly.

Though our system is set up to require minimal typing, you can also free-type into the text field at any time if you feel there's something to include that doesn't have an existing button.

The notes you write for each patient can be linked back to other notes in their file, including treatment plans and previous notes that may indicate progress or regression from one session to the next. This behavioral health charting feature for counselors provides a full picture of how each patient is doing over time.

In these ways, ICANotes allow you to take complete, concise, and effective notes in a fraction of the time other systems may require. Additionally, because your notes are written virtually and saved into our practice management software, they can be easily accessed by other clinicians in your practice, exported to patient portals, or shared with external doctors who are providing concurrent treatment.

Easy Cures Act Compliance

In 2016, the U.S. government passed the 21st Century Cures Act. This act contains an information-blocking rule that requires medical professionals to give clients online access to their information, including medical records, test results, and various types of patient notes such as consultation notes, discharge summary notes, and progress notes.

Some types of notes, including those pertaining to psychotherapy and those that may pose a risk to patients, can be withheld by clinicians.

The deadline for healthcare providers to be in compliance with this rule is April 5, 2021. While some types of notes may be exempt, you will likely need to make sure the rest of your notes are available to remain in compliance.

When you use ICANotes note-writing software, you can trust that your digital notes will be shareable with your clients and meet the new regulations.

Intuitive Note-Writing Software From ICANotes

ICANotes was developed with the specific needs of behavioral and mental health professionals in mind. We designed our comprehensive suite of practice management software to help you maintain the most efficient, optimized practice possible so that you can focus on caring for your clients.

Intuitive, Accessible, Time-Saving

ICANotes - the only EHR software that actually thinks like a clinician.